Working Holiday

Young people exploring Berlin, looking at map || Modellfreigabe vorhanden, © Westend61
Experience living in Germany for up to one year, travelling, attending language or training courses and working while you are there with the Working Holiday Scheme!
What is the Working Holiday Scheme?
The Working Holiday Visa Scheme aims at enabling young people to gain an insight into the culture and daily life of Germany, allowing them to travel to Germany for a stay of up to 12 months. To help finance the stay, jobs can be taken up with different employers (for up to 3 months per employer) of the visa holder's choice - but this is not a must. You can also participate in language or training courses (up to 6 months) and travel around the country. It is a great offer, if you are thinking about studying or working in Germany but you want to experience the country first before committing to a job or studies.
It is highly recommended to have some basic knowledge of German language to get around in Germany, but it is not a mandatory requirement to apply for the Working Holiday Visa.
The scheme is based on a bilateral agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Hong Kong.
Who can apply?
To be eligible for the Working Holiday Visa you must:
- Be in possession of a valid passport of the HKSAR
- Be between 18 and 30 years old (the visa application has to be submitted before the 31st birthday)
- Not be accompanied by dependent family members (e.g. children) during your stay
Which documents do I need for the visa application?
Please see the checklist for working holiday visa here.
How can I book an appointment?
Please make an appointment here.
How and where can I find a job in Germany?
In all larger towns in Germany you can obtain information (e.g. on available jobs) from the local employment office (Agentur für Arbeit). However, this office can only be of assistance if you want to spend at least several weeks working for the same employer. Otherwise, you are advised to establish direct contact with potential employers.
For general information on employment in Germany, please contact:
'Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit' in Bonn
Phone: (001149)/(0) 228 7131313
Fax: (001149)/(0) 228 2701111
Website: www.arbeitsagentur.de
Deutschland.de also offers a useful FAQ about Working Holiday and how to find a job in Germany.