Information on the obligation to declare cash in a total value of 10,000 Euros or more for travellers entering or leaving the territory of the European Union

Euroscheine, © picture-alliance/dpa
From 15 June 2007, anybody entering the European Union from, or leaving it for any non-member state – so-called “third country” – and carrying cash in a total value of 10,000 euros or more is required to declare this amount of money to the competent national authorities.
From 15 June 2007, anybody entering the European Union from, or leaving it for any non-member state – so-called “third country” – and carrying cash in a total value of 10,000 Euros or more is required to declare this amount of money to the competent national authorities. In Germany, the declaration is to be lodged in writing with the customs Administration.
Customs Information on declaration of cash